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Vianna Stibal in Russia

Theta Healing

In order to know Theta Healing®, Please check this website as well.


Many people describe Theta Healing as the combination of spirituality and modern science. Yes that is true. And I can say it is also the perfect way of  “Naikan(内観)” which literally means “observing yourself” or “observing mind”.

And what makes huge difference from the traditional Naikan is that we intentionally shift our brain wave to connect the power of universe which we call “ All that is “ or  “Creator of all that is” in Theta Healing. Once you connect that power, it changes impossible to possible.

You will be seeing how your mind made decision which lead to the negative situation. Once you had that awareness, You understood the lesson you had and you attained several virtue to go on your life.

Theta Healing was created by Ms.Vianna Stibal from US. She travels continent to continent to teach it all over the world now.

As the Science of Knowledge instructor in Theta Healing, I can teach every class. If you want to have session or take class from me, Please feel free to contact me.

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